Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Greek and Latin

It's a funny thing how a significant portion of our studies ends up falling into our laps rather than being carefully planned ahead of time.

Our co-op group needed to hire a Latin tutor for Ria's class this year so that I could take over the next younger class. After that was all planned, the music director at the parish that some of our friends go to mentioned that he was interested in brushing up on his Greek (apparently he used to teach it once upon a time) and we agreed to give that a go as well.

And so we've had a pretty rigorous language focus for Ria this year, but have also been enjoying the trickle down. I took an optional uncredited Greek class in college for just a little while (enough to start reading it) and now I've brushed that off and started playing with the alphabet with the younger kids and teaching my 12-14 year old co-op Latin class how to read the Greek as well. We picked up a set of flash cards recently for Biblical Greek and realized it's a lot of fun to read words that have some familiarity from the Bible.

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